Yearly Archives: 2012

VB script for setting the InstallLocation registry entry in an MSI

Option Explicit Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1Dim argNum, argCount:argCount = Wscript.Arguments.Count Dim openMode : openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact ‘This script adds a type 51 custom action into a given MSI database that‘ensures the ARPINSTALLLOCATION property is set to the primary install location‘during

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Posted in Development

Using Sql Server Integrations Services (SSIS) with Identity Columns

What do you do when you have to transfer data into an Identity column when you already have the identity values filled in the source? Do you?  a) change the schema to remove the identity column, transfer the data and

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Automated Site Binding for Custom URLs

Wouldn’t it be nice if your customers that you sell custom sites to could register themselves and get their own URL automatically, without any intervention on your part? I think that would be cool. Usually you would have to log

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The Empty Toolbox – SSIS 2012

I stared at this toolbox in disbelief. White and spacious with a confirming message that gave me no comfort: “There are no usable controls in here … “. What happened to the Source Assistant? Where in the world is the

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Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio on Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Currently there are two sets of tools for Visual Studio, the first works with Visual Studio 2010 and the second works with Visual Studio 2012 RC. There are no tools available with Visual Studio 11 Beta. Unfortunately, the Visual Studio

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Hosting a Minecraft Server on Windows Azure

So you have a big complicated Minecraft world built up and you want to share it with your friends, huh? Initially, you’ll just turn your home computer into a Minecraft Server, setup port-forwarding on your router and then share the

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Getting Started with Windows Azure Virtual Machine Roles

Prerequisites In order to get through all that is going to be discussed here, you are going to need Hyper V Manager, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 or 2012 RC which in turn needs the latest .NET Framework, Windows Azure SDK

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SQL Server 2012 Dive In

Have you heard of the new Microsoft SQL Server 2012 version and the new features that it contains? This version of SQL Server was formerly named “Denali”. The exciting new features include Power View, an updated version of Power Pivot, affectionately known

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Custom Event Handlers

Let’s say that you have a class that does some long running operation and you want your UI to be updated with the progress of the operation. You can resolve this nicely using custom event handlers. Assume that the long

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Who has files open on Server 2008?

Whenever you get an error while trying to update files because they are held open by someone else on the same server, you need to find out who has the files open. I keep forgetting how to check this on

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